Thursday, October 31, 2013

New Titles from Just and Sinner Publications!

I am pleased to announce that two more volumes of the American Lutheran Classics series are now available. They are Elements of Religion by Henry Eyster Jacobs, and Biblical Dogmatics by A.G. Voigt. They are both available on the Just and Sinner Publications page here


  1. Looking forward to reading these, Jordan!

  2. Hi Jordan.

    I am reading through the first book in this series...and am somewhat struck by the lack of any mention about Confession/Absolution. (I really have enjoyed the book thus far, don't get me wrong.)

    Granted, I have not completed the book yet, but browsing the rest, it appears that this is not discussed.

    Do you know why this would not be included in such a work, given the importance of C/A in the Lutheran Church?

    Thanks for any insight.

    in Him,


  3. Hi Jordan.

    Which you recommend either of these first?

