The latest volume in the American Lutheran Classics series is now available.

"There is no doctrine which distinguishes Lutheranism from the vast world of Protestantism more than the teaching of the Lord's Supper. The contention that Christ's body and blood are in, with, and under the Eucharistic elements in central to Lutheran identity. In this work, Henry Immanuel Schmidt defends the historic Lutheran teaching on this subject against some who claimed the name Lutheran, but adopted a Reformed view of the Supper. He deals with topics such as: The words of institution, the text of 1 Corinthians 11, the communication of attributes from Christ's divinity to his humanity, and the nature of figurative language in Scripture. This work is essential reading for anyone interested in learning about, or defending the Lutheran view of Holy Communion."
It can be purchased
Hi Jordan.
Is there any significant different approach in this volume compared with Sasse (This is my Body) and Chemnitz (The Lord Supper).
I was looking to purchase at least one of these 3 and was wondering if there are any significant differences?
They are all good books and worthwhile, and they do deal with mostly the same arguments. I can't give you a particular reason to buy this book over the others other than the price.
Looking forward to this one as well.
And Joe, believe me, it's far nicer on the pocketbook to get the same doctrine and maintain a heavier wallet in the process :D
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