I was going to wait until next week to upload my latest podcast, but due to all of the controversy surrounding Dr. Brown's recent appearance on Benny Hinn's program, I thought it would be better to release it right away. I talked with Dr. Brown about the charismatic movement, the reasoning behind his appearance on Benny Hinn, and many other topics.
And be sure to listen to our follow up program next week!
Dr. Brown seems to be a likable and respectable man. I can appreciate that, even though his theology is seriously skewed (as somebody who spent time in the Charismatic/pentecostal movement, I saw both the "mainstream" and aberrant factions, and had trouble even with the more sensible approach).
The problem with charismaticism is that the more conservative branch is often hampered by voicing its dissent with the aberrant movements because those who do are often branded as anti-charismatic.
This was a great interview!
A good followup to Dr. Brown would be to point him to Lutheran charismatic renewal organizations and sites, that reject "Lordship Salvation theology," such as this one:
In the last few years confessional Lutherans have made great progress in developing a deeper understanding of charismatic theology. For example, see also:
You, and the charismatic "Lutheran" groups you cite are not Confessional Lutherans, and to call the, "Lutheran" at all is to deprive the word of any and all meaning.
You, and the charismatic "Lutheran" groups you cite are not Confessional Lutherans, and to call the, "Lutheran" at all is to deprive the word of any and all meaning.
Charismatic Lutheran..... like "flaming snowflake" or "working vacation".
Nicholas Myra,
A properly adjusted, corrected and nuanced charismatic theology is very compatible Confessional Lutheran theology.
I recommend that you check out this post for a deeper understanding of the theological issues involved:
As an ex-charismatic/pentecostal, I can say that I heartily agree with Myra: charismatic theology and Lutheran theology are diametrically opposed.
Lutheran theology believes in Sola Scriptura-and applies that belief. Charismatic theology professes it, but denies it in practice.
Lutheran worship is centered on Christ and His Word. Charismatic worship is centered on emotional response and man's exhibition of that response.
Lutheran soteriology is rooted in monergism. Charismatic theology has its roots in synergism.
Lutheran theology rests on Christ alone. Charismatic theology depends on "manifestations of the Spirit" while rarely (if ever) checking to make sure those manifestations are truly of God as opposed to man-induced manifestations (or worse, in some cases).
Lutheranism-true, confessional Lutheranism-won't hesitate to label false doctrine, no matter how innocent it may appear. Charismaticism, with very rare exception, refuses to name anything heresy, and as a result has no problem with accepting a modalist like T.D. Jakes, a mammon lover like Benny Hinn, or a theological charlatan like Patricia King because they "might" be channeling the Spirit, and the Spirit ALWAYS supersedes the Word (whether charismatics admit to it or not).
I could go on here, but I think the point is made. And as I spent several years involved in the movement, my words are not those of an ignorant outsider. Charismaticism is incompatible with Lutheranism, period.
For a good refutation of Pentecostal theology check out
Hi Jordon. Thanks very much for the information in the podcast.
I note that you are quit possibly an expert on N.T. Wrights "New Perspepective on Paul".
Please, please please . . . can you do a podcast explaining in SIMPLE LAYMAN's LANGUAGE what is wrong with N.T. Wright.
I know that Wright is allied with the "FederaL Vision" heresy.
I know that Wright has biffed the concept of Hell
I also know that N.T. Wright rejects the Gospel of John because of its focus on Christ's divinity
Nt.T. Wright is a master of postmodernist double-speak. So, such a podcast explaining the errors of N.T. Wright in simple terms would be greatly appreciated.
Here in New Zealand, whole church movements have embraced N.T. Wright as "the greatest living theologian".
It seems that once they embrace N.T. Wright. Next they embrace Jurgen Moltmann. Next step; they are semi-emergent. Next step . . . anything goes.
Church after church in New Zealand is falling, in just this way.
Hi Jordon. Thanks very much for the information in the podcast.
I note that you are quit possibly an expert on N.T. Wrights "New Perspective on Paul".
Please, please please . . . can you do a podcast explaining in SIMPLE LAYMAN's LANGUAGE what is wrong with N.T. Wright.
I know that Wright is allied with the "FederaL Vision" heresy.
I know that Wright has biffed the concept of Hell
I also know that N.T. Wright rejects the Gospel of John because of its focus on Christ's divinity
Nt.T. Wright is a master of postmodernist double-speak. So, such a podcast explaining the errors of N.T. Wright in simple terms would be greatly appreciated.
Here in New Zealand, whole church movements have embraced N.T. Wright as "the greatest living theologian".
It seems that once they embrace N.T. Wright. Next they embrace Jurgen Moltmann. Next step; they are semi-emergent. Next step . . . anything goes.
Church after church in New Zealand is falling, in just this way.
"And as I spent several years involved in the movement, my words are not those of an ignorant outsider. Charismaticism is incompatible with Lutheranism, period." - J. Dean
It is sad to hear about your experiences. However, I think that the movement that you experienced can be more accurately described as "paleo-charismatic." It certainly does not represent what mainstream Lutheran charismatics teach and confess these days.
There is a blog post called "Cessationist Unicorns & Jackass Charismaticism" that might help you better understand how modern confessional Lutherans are able to defend charismatic theology. You can access it here:
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