Conditional Election and Prevenient Grace
On today's program I answered two listener questions. The first had to do with the idea of prevenient grace in Arminianism and Lutheranism. This led into a discussion of the intuitu fidei approach to election that developed in the scholastic period. I then dealt with some common proof texts for Arminianism.
Here is the program.
By all means, do not delay your Eastern Orthodoxy posts further...
...but I do enjoy these discussions you have on post-reformation era theological development. I also enjoy the Lutheran Classics series you are making available. I think that these are both very important.
This was a good podcast simply because Lutheranism is often compared and contrasted to Calvinism in the wider sphere of debate but oftentimes the differences between Lutheranism and Arminianism are often not discussed.
It was interesting hearing Gerhard's take on election, but I cannot see how those supporting it could lean in the direction of Arminianism, as Gerhard states that even the faith that God foresees is the faith He Himself creates in the regenerated soul (which Arminianism does not believe). Even in this, as you stated, the foreseeing is still based upon a monergistic act, and in that respect Calvinism and Lutheranism are quite alike.
One other thing: one of the sad developments that has arisen in Arminian churches is that Arminianism is looking less and less like its classical self and looking more and more like Semi-Pelagianism. Dr. Olson is correct in his assertion that Arminianism is not semi-Pelagianism, but I would counter that what is preached from the modern pulpit in the Arminian churches sounds more like semi-Pelagianism than he is willing to admit.
Unfortunately, I think you are correct that Arminian churches are usually preaching semi-Pelagianism rather than historic Arminian theology. Most of the modern church in America is semi-Pelagian.
Correct. Most of the American Church is semi-Pelagian
The devil introduced "rugged individualism" to man in the first couple chapters of Genesis.
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