Friday, August 9, 2013

Universal Atonement in 1 Timothy: A Response to James White


Anonymous said...

Interesting points to consider, Jordan. Now, is that the icon of the theotokos I spy next to your door? I didn't know Lutherans were down with Doulia. Or is it just to ward off the ghost of Nestorius?

Unknown said...

Yes, it is an image of the Blessed Virgin. We don't buy into the concept of doulia as Roman Catholicism does, but we certainly honor her role in redemptive history.

J. Dean said...

Do you think Mr. White will give a response, Jordan? He has done some video responses to things in the past (and in fairness he did a very good job dealing with the KJV-Only crowd in one of his video series).

Unknown said...

I doubt it. I think he would have already responded to things I have said if he wanted to deal with my arguments.

Randy said...

I hope he does debate you. You make people think. I have learned much about Lutheranism from your videos and podcast. I am a Reformed Baptist but would like to see a cordial debate on this issue with you and James White.